Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012


1.Welcoming the guest
waiter: Good morning welcome to Ragoon/our restaurant. My name is Juanita, do you have any reservation before?
guest: no/yes
waiter: (if yes) excuse me, by name?
guest: (example) Jhuan.
waiter: alright, i will check it. Yes maam/sir, by name Jhuan for 3 person, and at table number 10. follow me please.
guest: okay, thankyou.

2. Sitting the guest
waiter: will this table alright?
guest:yes, thankyou.

3.Laying napkin(waiter: excuse me maam/sir)

4. Pouring water(waiter: excuse me maam/sir)

5. Presenting menu(waiter: excuse me maam/sir)

6. Taking Order
waiter: are you ready to order now maam/sir?
guest: yes, please
waiter: alright maam, for appetizer we have shrimp cocktail and caesar salad.what do you like maam?
maam1:mm.. a choose caesar salad.
waiter: for you maam, what do you like?
maam2: yes, i want caesar salaad too.
waiter: alright maam. for you sir, what do you like?
sir: i want shrimp cocktail.
waiter:(ask the same model question like above for the soup until desert)
waiter: alright maam/sir. may I repeat your order?
guest: yes please!
waiter: for you maam1,1 caesar salad, 1 cream of corn soup.......(mentioned the choosen menu until dessert), for you maam2.....................(mention the choosen menu),  and for you sir....(mentioned the choosen menu). anything else maam/sir?
guest: no thanks, its that full.
waiter: alright your order will be delivered in fifteen minute. if you need something please call me.

7.Serving B&B

8. Adjusting cutleries

9.Convey to the kitchen
waiter: new order, 2 caesar salad.........(mentioned all order)

10.presenting appetizer (waiter: have your meal) => clear up
     presenting soup (waiter: have your meal) => clear up
     presenting maincourse (waiter: have your meal) => clear up and clear up B&B

11.crumbing down => clear up S&P

12.Presenting dessert, ask tea or coffee when this moment

13. Presenting Tea or coffee

14.clear up dessert => move tea or coffee cup in center

waiter: excuse me maam/sir this is your bill. By cash or send on your room?
sir: send to my room.
waiter: please sign here, and wwrite your name.
sir: okay.

16. Farewell
waiter: Thanks for your coming, I hope you enjoy your meal today and you can return to our restaurant. have a nice day.